Title screens are screenshot images taken of a program's title screen - a splashscreen that presents the name of the program usually at the program's launch. Some programs may have multiple title screens.
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SoundLink game
All items (36)
- File:BassTsuriNo1Spring.gif
- File:BS-XSorehaNamaewoNusumaRetaMachinoMonogatari.gif
- File:BSBokujotitle.png
- File:BSF-ZeroGrandPrix.png
- File:BSF-ZeroGrandPrix2.jpg
- File:BSFireEmblemAkaneiaSenki.jpg
- File:BSIhatovoMonogatari.gif
- File:BSMarvelousTimeAthletic.jpg
- File:BSShinOnigashima.gif
- File:BSShirentitle.png
- File:BSSimCity.gif
- File:BSTanteiClubYukiniKieta.png
- File:BSZelda.png
- File:BSZeldaInishienoSekiban.png